Termly Topics
Autumn Term
Science- Animals including Humans and States of Matter
History – ‘The Romans’
Roman Architecture – sketches
ICT- Programming, Computational Thinking
PE- Gym
Music- Handels Water Music, Waterfalls, Sandscape
RE- Judaism and Christianity
Spring Term
Science- Living Things and their Habitats
History– ‘Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Vikings’
Art-Illuminated Letters and patterns
DT- Viking Jewellry
ICT - Computer Networks and Productivity
Music- Viking music
PE- swimming
RE- Parables and Caring for creation
Science- Electricity and Sound
Geography- ‘Local Area’
DT- Plot to Pot’ – Grow your own salad – Potato Salad
ICT- Communication / Collaboration and Creativity
Music- Digital music
RE- Religious artefacts and Islam