Termly Topics

Autumn Term
Science- Properties and Changes of Materials 
PE- Swimming
Georgraphy- Rivers
DT- Building bridgesArt- Painting in the style on monnet
ICT- Online safety and Scratch
RE- Islam

Spring Term 
Science- Earth and Space and Forces
PE- Dance and swimming
History/Geography- Mexico and the Mayans
DT- Making Mexican food  Art- Sculpture
ICT- Flowol and internet research
RE- Sikhism and Christianity

Summer Term
Science- Living Things and their Habitats and Animals Including Humans
PE- Gymnastics, Athlectics and Cricket
History- Anglo Saxons
ICT- Sketch Up and Radio Stations
RE- Bible explorer and a free choice unit

Art- Obervational drawings

DT- Control, monitoring and programming

Cambridge Road Community Primary and Nursery School

Cambridge Road. Ellesmere Port,
Cheshire CH65 4AQ

Main Contact: Mrs D Fletcher/Mrs A Sass
Headteacher: Mrs Donna Wellings
SEND: Mrs Stevenson
Chair of Governors: Mr Ken Salter

0151 355 1735

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